Letecký kalendář

Boston Airfield

Boston Airfield
Plocha pro: ultralight ultralight, paramotory paramotory, vrtulníky a vírníky vrtulníky a vírníky
Kde:A1121 Boardsides, Boston

Grass strip field 600m x 20m - Unlicensed
Runway 09L/27R - (all circuits to North of runway - see below)

Circuit height - 1000' > 65kts , 700' < 65 kts

TORA 580m LDA 550m

Beware - Paramotors also operate from this field - these aircraft will take-off and land into wind. They have a much lower airspeed than microlights and GA aircraft and their approach patterns will be different - see below for more details

Runway is adjacent to Sports Stadium and Rugby pitches - beware of persons on the runway at all times. When large events take place on the adjacent sports fields the airfield will be closed for the duration of the event - please PPR before departure.

10' AMSL - PPR Required

SAFETYCOM 135.475MHz Please precede all calls with 'Boston Traffic'

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